On 29/01/15 10:15, G Tod wrote:
Windows 7. SM 2.32 (just updated).  Problem existed before this update.

Sorry, I'm not even sure what to call these "buttons", but here is just
one example:

The buttons under the map have arrows, etc. and allow us to "play" the
map, etc.  On my SM, I cannot see the arrows and so on, on these
buttons!  All I see is the buttons with a little square on it and then
little letters, i.e.:E0 72, the numbers on each button being different.
  This is happening on every website I go to, I believe.

When I restart SM in safe mode with my profile, this problem still occurs.
When I restart SM in the default profile instead of my profile, the
buttons appear properly.

I really don't want  to have to create another new profile, if there's
another quicker solution.

These computers can be funny things (that's funny peculiar not funny Ha Ha!!)

A while ago, I was trying to purchase something from Amazon.ca, but could not find the "Check-out" button anywhere. Then someone here-abouts pointed out that I may have set Edit->Preferences->Privacy & Security->Images->Image Acceptance Policy to "Only load images that come from the originating server" and that the Amazon.ca check-out image was coming from amazon.com, so was not being displayed.

Maybe you need to check what setting you have.



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