On 2/2/2015 4:45 PM, Tom Pamin wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Tom Pamin wrote:

These videos won't play anymore on one of my laptops. Nothing happens
when I click play. They do work with IE. How do I fix this?
<http://www.nbc-2.com/video >

Plays fine here if I disable AdBlock Plus on nbc-2.com. But with ABP
fully enabled, it just sits there no matter what I click.

Looks like that was it - disabled Adblock Plus and it's working. Thanks.

Flash is blocked by Mozilla as even 296 has a zero day vulnerability. I don't know how you are getting them to play. For me, Sea Monkey reports Flash 296 blocked. Fx can't even check plugins currently as Mozilla apparently messed up the block. At least SeaMonkey can do a plugin check currently. Even if Flash works for you it should be disabled until Adobe issues a new update. The zero day exploit is being ACTIVELY seen on Fx, SeaMonkey and IE. Disable Flash on all browsers until Adobe issues a patch this week.
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