On 2/25/2015 10:50 AM, EE wrote:
> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> William wrote:
>>> I'm in the USA.  I have been receiving emails, supposedly from FedEx,
>>> saying that there is a problem with a shipment to me and asking me to
>>> open the attached shipping label, which is a compressed file.  My ISP
>>> marks these as spam, but sends them to me, which is consistent with what
>>> I have asked them to do.  I suspect this is malware, because I am not
>>> expecting any shipments, and the shipment number they put in the header
>>> draws nothing when I go to the FedEx site to trace the shipment.
>>> In the past, I have discarded these, or sent them to my ISP who probably
>>> discards them.  But the frequency is increasing and I am thinking that
>>> there must be some law enforcement agency that can deal with these
>>> knaves.  Our city police have no such office, and apparently are not
>>> equipped to deal with this.
>>> Does any one know of a place these can be sent that would be interested
>>> in investigating and prosecuting?
>> The attachment contains malware that infects Windows computers.
>> Have you been marking them as Junk and having them sent to the Junk
>> folder? SeaMonkey should soon learn to do that for you. Also mark the
>> Properties / Retention Policy of the Junk folder to "Delete messages more
>> than [  3] days old. This makes it maintain itself.
>> That's about all you can do. Your city police won't be interested in
>> prosecuting a hacker in Romania.
> An antifraud organization might be interested in shutting the hackers 
> down.  That would at least make it more difficult for them for awhile. 
> Surely there is some kind of antifraud organization in the US.

Indeed, there is one: the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at
<http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx>.  This is a joint operation of the FBI
and the National White Collar Crime Center.  The latter seems to be a
consortium of state and local law enforcement agencies.

David E. Ross

I am sticking with SeaMonkey 2.26.1 until saved passwords can
be used when autocomplete=off.  See
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