WaltS48 wrote:
On 03/09/2015 09:55 AM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Poldek wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Stupid question: can't you just edit the settings here?
Edit | Preferences | Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings | Security
Do you really have to start over?

What do you mean by "edit"?
Of course I can go there and try to edit. But still it's not possible do
add security exception (ticker is greyed). So Seamonkey can't connect to
the secure imap/smtp server.

As Paul suggests can you not go to  Edit > Preferences > Mail &
Newsgroups Account Settings > Security > Certificates where you can
View/Import/Export/Delete/Add Exception to fix your problem?

Windows may be different them my Linux version, but I have no Mail and
Newsgroups Account Setting > Security in Edit > Preferences.

I do have Security under Edit > Mail and Newsgroup Account Settings.

Sorry shouldn't have borrowed from Paul's post. The correct location is:

Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Certificates > Manage Certificates...

This is the same on Win 7 and Ubuntu 14.04

Take care,

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