Daniel wrote:
On 14/03/15 07:53, mozilla-lists.mbou...@spamgourmet.com wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
Whenever I print out an e-mail, all of the "heading" (?) stuff gets
printed also.
user-agent, MIME stuff, X-Mozilla-Status etc.

It sounds like you've got SeaMonkey set to display all headers.

Is there some way that I can just print out the e-mail w/o all that
"Stuff" at the top ?

i.e. - Subject, From, Date,  then the text...?

Before printing, go to View > Headers > Normal.

If you want all the headers displayed on screen, but not printed, I'm
not sure how to do that other than changing that option every time you
print. I keep it set to Normal, and on occasions when I want to check
other headers I just press Ctrl+U (shortcut for View > Message Source).


What DB can do "on the fly" is click the little, downward pointing,
triangle next to Subject, turning the downwards pointing triangle into a
sideways pointing triangle:. This should reduce the Header area to just
one line, the Subject: line.

That doesn't affect what's printed though. If View > Headers is set to All, it still prints all the headers.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

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