Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> Mike C wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to create a new mail list from a long list of email
>> addresses in Word or Excel?
>> I really don't want to do them one at a time (over 100).
> 1) Export as CSV, LDIF, or other format that SeaMonkey will recognize, with
> a name that doesn't match any of your existing address books or list names.
> I don't recall what options Word has, but I know Excel can do this; if need
> be, copy/paste the Word table into an Excel spreadsheet.
> 2) From the SeaMonkey address book, do Tools | Import, choose data type
> "Address books," follow the steps. You'll end up with a new address book
> under the unique name you gave it.
> You have the options along the way to specify import file format, match
> field names to SM field names, etc.
> Once it's there, you can move the addresses around by dragging and
> dropping, create a mailing list, etc. as usual.

Thanks. I have not tested it, but I see Libreoffice Calc has the option of
exporting the list as a CSV, so it should be an easy thing to do.

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