Bit of a strange one...

From Mail & News, if I view a message in the message pane, and select File > Save As > File, the OS's File OPEN dialog is called, and gives a "file not found" error if I specify a filename which doesn't already exist. If I select a file which does already exist and click "Open", it overwrites the file without warning.

If I double-click the message to open it in a separate window, and select File > Save As > File from there, it works as expected - the OS's File SAVE AS dialog is called, allows a non-existent file to be selected, and prompts to overwrite if an existing file is specified.

SeaMonkey 2.33 on Windows Vista.

Can anyone else confirm this? A quick search of Bugzilla didn't turn anything up, so I'll investigate further and file a bug if others also see this.


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