Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Larry S. wrote:

When trying to read articles on The Daily Beast web site, I encounter
"Oops. There was an error. Something is amiss. We're working to fix it."

When I asked previously, answers were "works for me". Interesting, but
not helpful. This is the only site where I get this response, so there
must be some extension or plug-in, or some preference setting, that
causes the problem uniquely for this site.

Does anyone have any insights as to what this site needs that I
apparently don't have?

All suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Could something like a firewall or ad blocker be intercepting traffic?

The site is definitely up and running normally.

Hmm . . . No ad blocker here. Wouldn't the firewall, if a problem, affect other sites as well? This is the only one with a problem.

As a test, I turned off "Block unrequested popups", but that made no difference. All plug-ins are either "Always activate" or "Ask to activate".

Not gaining on it yet, I guess, but thank you for the suggestions. Always worth exploring.

Larry S.
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