I've been using the suite too long to remember, back in the rv0.x days, when
bugzilla numbers were still only 5 digits. At least a decade ago I started
doing so in KDE3 on Linux in addition to using it in OS/2. About 6 years ago
I stopped using it on OS/2 except for IRC. When I first started using it on
Linux I was only using pre-releases, in order to participate in development
QA. I would still be including pre-release among running instances but for
that no such thing exists any more. Current Linux is openSUSE 13.1, which
gets updates manually at whim. Last updates were this AM. Prior were likely
about 2 weeks ago.

So, what I've been running 24/7 lately, all mozilla.org binaries rather than
rpms, are the following:

1-devel release profile: 1 browser window with gobs of tabs, 1 CZ window, 2
servers, 12 channels
2-latest release profile: 1 browser window with gobs of tabs, 1 mailnews window
3-FF latest
4-FF 3.6.28
5-FF 10ESR

When I want to use Domi, most often I open FF 17ESR, in order to prevent
interruption of activity in other browser sessions when restarts are needed
(due to unfixed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208641 ). Its
red outlining of selections stopped working in my latest release SM profile
years ago. Each Mozilla instance is run on a different virtual desktop.

I have multiple email accounts, used in large part for many mailing lists
(too many to count, most likely more than 70). The two most used are set to
auto-fetch messages at different several minute intervals. POP only.

The email profile gets restarted 6 nights a week after emptying trash and
compacting. Others get restarts ad hoc, often staying open for weeks at a time.

I often want to work in fullscreen text sessions, so I switch to the vttys,
framebuffers rather than Xorg/KDE3. This never used to be any problem.
Several months ago, February likely, maybe before, switching to any vtty
somehow disconnects SM from the internet. This may in fact have begun on
upgrading from openSUSE 11.4 to 13.1 in early January.

The SM/CZ profile delays reaction until returning from vtty to KDE by losing
and auto-reconnecting to the IRC servers. The SM/mailnews profile reacts
immediately by ceasing to auto-fetch mail, initializing an auto-fetch within
seconds of returning from vtty to KDE.

Switching to vtty from KDE does not break networking itself. I keep an IRC
session open in a different chat client that only looses connection to server
when the network is down, typically no more than once or twice a week.

I searched the term disconnect in BZ's networking components without finding
anything apparently on point. I searched 2.31, 2.32 & 2.33 relnotes without
seeing anything on point.

How can I get SM to stop playing possum when X/KDE isn't lighting up my
display, stop littering IRC panes with reconnect messages, keep mail fetching
at configured?
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/
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