I'm running SeaMonkey v2.33.1 on a Windows 7 machine.

I misspelled a website address and ended up on a real site that is of no interest to me. Now every time I start to enter the address of the site I want, this misspelled site shows up at the top of the list in the location bar.

I have unchecked everything in Preferences->Browser->History, cleared history, and cleared location bar.

I have unchecked Autocomplete in Preferences->Browser->Location Bar

I have cleared Private Data in Preferences->Browser->Privacy & Security

I have cleared Cache in Preferences->Browser->Advanced

Rebooted and restarted SeaMonkey.

With all of these things turned off, the misspelled site no longer shows up, but as soon as I turn the settings back on it is there again.

I searched the Windows registry and didn't find it.

Where is this information stored? How can I get rid of it, as if I had never visited the site?

Q: What's the quickest way to get a mailbox full of spam?
A: Post a message in any newsgroup using a real email address.

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