David E. Ross wrote:
On 8/20/2015 12:23 PM, Larry S. wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 8/20/2015 5:58 AM, Larry S. wrote:
When I install SM it has placed a SM logo on the task bar, which then
appears whenever I start the computer. I would start SM by clicking on
the logo.

Recently, however, it no longer appears.  I can start SM by clicking
Start>SM, and get the SM logo, but with the label Bookmarks (my home
page). This acts the same way as the previous (bare) logo, but needs to
be added, as above, each time I start the computer.

Must be caused by operator error of some sort. Any thoughts or advice
would be welcome.

Larry S.

Previously, your setup caused SeaMonkey either to launch upon boot-up or
to be in the quick-start list.  That is no longer happening.  Those are
options to select if you install SeaMonkey with customization.

Now, with SeaMonkey already installed, try this:

1.  Locate the file seamonkey.exe.  Copy it.

2. Locate the file Startup in a folder named Programs and open the file
in either Notepad or Wordpad but NOT Word.

3.  In Startup, paste the copied seamonkey.exe as a shortcut.  This
requires a right-click and selecting "Paste shortcut" from the pull-down
context menu.

4.  Right-click on the shortcut and select Properties from the pull-down
context menu.

5.  In the Properties window, select the Shortcut tab.

6.  On the Shortcut tab, set the Run pull-down selection list to either
Normal Window (open window that does not fill your monitor screen),

Minimized (on your Task bar only), or Maximized (open window that fills
your monitor screen).

7.  Select the OK button.

8.  Close the windows you have opened for this.

The next time you boot-up your PC, SeaMonkey will launch according to
how you did #6 above.

Thank you, David. Very clear and easy to follow--except that I can't
find any folder called just plain Programs, nor a file called Startup.
There are lots of "Program Something" folders, none of which contain a
file called Startup.

Maybe it's just my OS: Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, which could be
missing features that others have.

Any thoughts?

Larry S.

Oops!!!  I got it backwards.  It is the Programs folder in the Start
Menu folder.

Sorry, David, that I'm so dense. I'm familiar with a structure of Files and Folders, one after another, nested as necessary. I can't find the file or folder that you refer to. Suppose it must be there somewhere.

When I search for a folder called Programs, I get either a menu for adjusting Default Programs, or I get the Control Panel. When I search for the Start Menu folder, I get Control Panel again, and clicking on any of those items I again get a menu. Going to Windows Explorer gets me to a screen which includes Libraries.

So--is there a path somewhere to the folders you describe? Or am I just hopelessly out of date on how to do things?

Thank you for your patience!

Larry S.
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