
On 8/27/2015 9:08 PM, Paul Bergsagel wrote:
A big thank you to you Edmund and all the other developers who worked
hard to get this build out. Your hard work is much appreciated.

Edmund Wong wrote:

Another update on 2.35.

1) build3 was 'somewhat' done but needs to be rebuilt due to
    some misconfiguration on my part.  It doesn't mean that
    build3 is a bust.  It isn't.  It's just that it's uploading
    the files to the wrong places. (First time it uploaded was
    to the nightlies tree. :P )

2) l10n repacks needs fixing.  I've been told it won't
    require a build4(read: Callek's gonna do his cset magic),
    but I guess we shall see.

3) Once the repacks are done, the *real* work is on getting
    the CVS-based-system-now-migrated-to-Mercurial part of
    the release process working.  But thankfully, this part
    is automated, so I won't be the reason for the slow down.

Again, thanks for your patience while I work on this.


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