Uh oh! Is anyone else getting SM crashes on http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/ web page with v2.35? Or is it just me? https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/77035408-ffbd-429b-a5f3-5fc112150903 for a dump. I hope this version isn't buggy and force me to downgrade back to v2.33.1 :(

On 9/3/2015 8:14 AM, Edmund Wong wrote:
Dear All,

I'm just so stoked. (This isn't a normal release post as it's just way
to special.)

It is with great privilege and joy that I can announce to the world, the
SeaMonkey Project has just RELEASED SeaMonkey 2.35.

SeaMonkey 2.33.1 was released in March.  It's now September.  Yes, you
have all suffered the worries of vulnerabilities.  But worry no longer
for the *actual* release of SeaMonkey 2.35 has been pushed to the
server. Win32, Linux and OSX64!

The SeaMonkey Project team wishes to thank EVERYONE for their patience
with us while we get back into the flow.  While we aren't actually
'flowing' (right now, limping), we are determined to get things back
to normal, now that we KNOW we can get things done.

So update your copy now!


PS: SeaMonkey 2.38b1 is the next release.

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