Mr. Ed wrote:
On 9/10/2015 9:30 PM, Mr. Ed wrote:
On 9/10/2015 8:13 PM, Ed Mullen wrote:
NoOp wrote on 9/10/2015 3:12 PM:
On 09/10/2015 06:59 AM, Herrmann Hofer wrote:
Exalm wrote:

They are technically able to do that, but that would never pass AMO review

So how about


How ironic... an add-on to fix the add-on manager!

Ironic and idiotic.

Is that an enhancement?

"Okay.  Here's a thought.  We have something that's working perfectly well,
gives users useful info ... let's remove that!"

Listen we're all appreciative of volunteers' efforts for sure.  But this is
another example of silliness.  What did it save?  One line of code? What problem
did it solve?  None.  What enhancment did it provide? Well, it's ovbiously
pissed off users so there you go!  Nice one.

And another thought.  Just install the PrefBar addon and presto - with one click
on the "InfoList" icon you'll have the whole list including version #, i.e:

Last updated: Thu Sep 10 2015 21:23:27 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101

Extensions (enabled: 15)
* Autofill Forms 1.0.3 (
* Display Mail User Agent 1.7.0 
* DownThemAll! (
* DownloadHelper (
* EPUBReader (
* Enigmail 1.8.2 (
* FireFTP (
* Flash and Video Download 1.75 (
* JavaScript Debugger (
* Password Exporter [converted] 
* PrefBar 7.0.0 (
* Quote Colors 0.3 (
* Reply to All as Cc 1.4 (
* Saved Password Editor 2.9.2
* ShowIP [converted] (

And on a second thought, what's all the fuss about anyway?  Who cares what
version an add-on is if it works.  If it's not up to date SM checks on startup
and lets you know.  Even installs the update if there is one.  If you try to
load one that doesn't work with SM modify it.  If you don't know how use the
webpage that will convert it for you.  These two options have been explained
many times in previous topics.

Right on! And, as I posted earlier, if you want the version all you need do is click on "More" following the extension or plugin listing.
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