On 10.09.15 7:19, Wolf wrote:
Wolf schrieb:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 9/9/2015 9:58 AM, David H. Durgee wrote:
I just updated to 2.35 here and have seen some positives and one
negative thus far:

1) rendering seems quicker that 2.33.1
2) password support seems to be better than it has been since 2.26

3) for some reason toolbars are being rendered with pictures and text
regardless of the setting in preferences-appearances.  This is with the
Little Monkey 2.0.27 theme.  I normally use pictures only to save space.

Anyone else seeing the toolbar problem?  Anyone got a fix?


Windows 7 Ultimate SP 1 (x64)
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101
SeaMonkey Default Theme 2.35

In SeaMonkey, this can be set differently for each tool and menu bar.
On a toolbar where you want icons only, away from any button that has a
down-poointing triangle for a sub-menu, right-click and select [Settings
for this toolbar > Icons].

*Vorsicht*, what a pity.

SeaMonkey 2.35 from UbuntuZilla seems to be English only (*not
multilingual*). It's impossible to enter a password in the german
startup screen.

There is no german Language Pack so far ( http://www.seamonkey.at/ ),
you have to use english only.

No toolbar problem using the SM modern theme.

Language Packs are available also under:


Thanks. :)    Installed OK. After telling SM to ignore warning,
and then trying again........
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