
NoOp writes:
Francois LE COAT wrote:
NoOp writes:
Francois LE COAT wrote:
Petr Voralek writes:

     On Thursday, 10.09.2015 12:25(+0200) *Francois Le Coat* wrote, and I
quote (in part):

The problem is that I don't know how to get the 2.33.1 version
of SeaMonkey, getting it from Ubuntuzilla SourceForge site ?
Does somebody knows the path to 2.33.1 version from Ubuntuzilla ?

     On the SF web are the following links:



     But primarily -- do You tried first, if it can not be installed via
standard apt way?

What is the output of the command:
$ apt-cache search --names-only seamonkey

     Disclaimer: I am not a (k)ubuntu, or ubuntuzilla user.

Thanks a lot for your answer :-)

Reverting the update with Synaptic under Kubuntu 14.04 LTS worked. Now
I have a 2.33.1 version of SeaMonkey working perfectly. I also blocked
the version number, so that I will wait for a following package update.

I don't know why, but the 2.35 version is unusable for me ...

What do you mean "2.35 version is unusable for me"? What problems did
you have with 2.35?

It's very hard to describe because English is not my mother-tongue.
With E-mail, when you want to login an account, there's no way
because the password box is reduced to 2 pixels height. When you
want to navigate, the backward and forward arrows are not active.
Etc. I passed the 2.35 version, and I don't want to see it anymore.

Someone under Mageia 5 described the same broken version in French :


That's very strange behavior under GNU/Linux is not the case with OS X.
I use SeaMonkey 2.35 under OS X without any problem. The broken version
maybe either caused by French version or depends on its integration to
KDE. Bad experiences happened for French, and under Kubuntu and Mageia.

I wish I'll never have such a broken version ...

Wow, he even tried with the version from SeaMonkey (translated from Google):

I waited for weeks to update to 2.33 Iceape
2.35. Today the 5 Mageia finally proposes, I hasten to comply and
is the cata: In the browser all my bookmarks are gone and
no way to reopen the windows and tabs from the previous session. In
messaging, can not enter the address of a recipient, the cursor
refuses to appear in the "To:" and "Subject" field is
reduced to the stub status. (About two pixels high).
I tried the version of Seamonkey 2.35 direct from at Mozilla,
installed in / opt: Idem.
To use my mail reader and news writing this
post, I had to reinstall the rpm of the 2.33 release. Phew, I had
hot, everything works again as before!
Someone else he has the same problem? How to solve it?
Thank you in advance for your advice, explanations and suggestions.

I've not had any such issues in Ubuntu 14.04 or 15.04. Perhaps a
language pack issue? Do you have a language pack installed? If so, can
you please try just running directly and without a language pack?

Yes. That was caused by the language pack version. I had to restart in
safe mode, install the latest version of the language pack, and then
restart. I now use SeaMonkey 2.35 under Kubuntu 14.04 LTS successfully.

Thanks for your help,

Best regards,

François LE COAT

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