Ray_Net wrote:
Paul in Houston, TX wrote on 11/10/2015 00:54:
Ray_Net wrote:
Paul in Houston, TX wrote on 10/10/2015 17:36:
Ray_Net wrote:
Could someone remember me what i can do to be able to view YouTube video in 
FullScreen ?

My pc is under Windows 7 pro SP1
My UA is (the default for SM 2.38): Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:41.0) 
Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38

There was a discussion here about this starting on Sep 5.
Search for "Enabling full screen for youtube videos".

My retention policy is 20 days, so they are left ...

Yea, I was hoping it would be longer.
Try this and see if it works:

On 9/5/2015 8:33 PM, Paul Bergsagel wrote:
> To enable full screen for youtube videos type about:cofig in the address
> bar browser window.
> In the widow that appears look for the search box and type "full"
> Change these two items from false to true:
> full-screen-api.content-only
> and
> full-screen-api.enabled
> Once these two items are changed from false to true you can click on the
> full screen icon of youtube HTML 5 videos and enter full screen. There
> is no need to force youtube to use flash instead of html 5 video format.
> To exit full screen simply use the ESC key on your keyboard.

Should I remove my just installed plugin:


And take your two "config" modifications ?

What is the BEST action ?

I notice (now that the above plugin is installed) that:
full-screen-api.enabled is set to true
full-screen-api.content-only is not present

and those are default to true:

Leave the plug in as is.  If it works, then keep it.

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