On 24/10/2015 11:35, Philippe Conde wrote:
> Hello,
> Some pages doesn't load on different sites (you.tube,www.videolan, etc..)
> Fox example this page  http://www.videolan.org/vlc/skins.php?sort=downloads 
> displays correctly but if I select one of the proposed download Seamonkey 
> doesn't open the download screen. The tab color change to dark gray clicking 
> a second time restore the original tab.
> This works correctly with Firefox 41.0.1.
> In the error console I see no message when selecting one of the proposed 
> skins. 
> Reloading the entire page gives a  lot of warning but no errors.
> In the preferences I unchecked block popups windows but this doesn't change 
> anything
> the only plugins that I have are
> java IcedTea, 
> package kit,
> shockwave (flash)
> Xine
> The cookies are allowed for the site
> Any idea?

The usual suspects are bad add-on/plug-in and corrupt profile.

Try creating a fresh profile, and start with it in safe-mode.

Can you reproduce the problem?


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