Tom S. wrote:
> On 11/18/2015 3:42 AM, Edmund Wong wrote:
>> Tom S. wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Before upgrading to the latest version of SeaMonkey (v.2.39), in the
>>> mail/newsgroups/blogs window, under View, I could select "Save View as a
>>> Folder..." after filtering messages with a Search. But now, it doesn't
>>> work. What happened and how do I get it back without going back to the
>>> older version that worked (v.2.35)?
>> By "it doesn't work", do  you mean it doesn't show the folder
>> name that you've selected in the Choose Folder dropdown box?
>> Or do you mean something else?
>> Edmund
> I am able to put a keyword in the Search Messages box and filter a blog
> based on that. This part still works. But then, I used to be able to
> select "Save View as a Folder" from the View drop down box and it would
> show next to "Create as a subfolder of" the blog folder being filtered.
> But now it only shows a little folder icon.
> It also drops down to show the folders, but if you select one, it will
> still not show anything but the little folder icon. Under "Match all or
> any..." the box it is completely blank. It cannot save the view.

Right.  I can definitely reproduce this.

I've filed bug 1226048.

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