Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
EE wrote on 27/11/2015 19:38:
George wrote:

Since I signed up for the site I am receiving many e-mails each day
people I do not know.

Please let me know how I can unsubscribe in order to prevent all the

Thanking you in advance.

George Achilles

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Stop putting your correct email address in your posts.  You can set up
a newsgroup account using a fake email address.

He did not post in a newsgroup, he post thru  SO he need to furnish his real
address; NO ?

But the point is that he need not go through the list. He can subscribe
to the newsgroup as you and I have done and munge his address to defeat
the spambots.

But now that they've got his address, he can look forward to a steady
stream of spam as they sell it to each other.

One can report spammers to an antispam organization and get most of them shut down.

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