stan pierce wrote:
stan pierce wrote:
I goofed something up, I think. I often save E-mails I am composing as
Drafts or Templates.  Later I will access them and continue writing.
Seems to me there is normally a menu across the top that lets me select
to continue writing as a new message. But that menu is not showing up. I
am getting two lines of menus:

1. Get Msg  Compose Reply Reply All etc.
2. View: and a windows for selecting what to view (All, Unread, etc.)

Isn't there supposed to be a third line and how do I get it to show?

Just found the solution. I right-clicked on the word View on second line
and it gave me a choices for showing various bars. I checked the missing
bar and it appeared.

OK, and now you can toggle it on and off by clicking the box, right?

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Paul B. Gallagher

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