On 8/02/2016 1:47 AM, Paul Marwick wrote:

On 07/02/16 04:58, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Paul Marwick wrote:
I've been using Seamonkey for a long time, both for general web browsing
and as a mail client. Currently running the Arch Linux build. As below:

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/42.0 SeaMonkey/2.39

I have several email accounts, though my main account is Gmail, using
Imap. I also have a number of filters in Seamonkey sorting mail into
different "folders".

When I opened Seamonkey mail a little while ago, all that is displayed
is the main Gmail inbox. None of the filter folders are shown, and I
cannot access any of the other accounts, nor can I access local folders.
If I select "go" from the menu, I can see all the accounts, but they are
grayed out and I cannot select any of them.

Looking in .mozilla/seamonkey/(xxx)default/Imapmail/imap.gmail.com, all
the entries for my normal mail folders are there, I just can't access
any of them from Seamonkey.

I've had to rebuild profiles a few times in the past, but I've never
seen this problem before, and I'm more than a little bored with having
to fix things like this.

Can anyone suggest what the cause might be, and, even better, a quick
way of fixing it without having to rebuild my complete profile?

You said all the mbox files are in your profile folder, is this also
confirmed when using your file manager. And since you said you have
"rebuild" your profiles, they do have the correct ownership and
permissions, right?

Sorry, should have been more specific. I can't see anything other than
the Gmail inbox from within Seamonkey. When I look with a file manager,
all the files are in place, and all of them have the correct owenership
and permissions.

I have no option to select any of the other accounts (I have a gmx
account, plus two or three accounts to email servers in small business
servers that I maintain). All the accounts are visible under the "go"
menu item, but all of them (including the Gmail account) are grayed out.

I have another Seamonkey mail account set up on a desktop machine. It is
only configured for Gmail, and is having no problems accessing the
various folders in the account. Using Seamonkey web browser, I can still
see the whole account as well. It is only my laptop setup that is having
this problem. Trouble is, naturally, that is the setup that I use most
often. At the moment, I'm using Thunderbird on the laptop, but I'm not
very fond of Thunderbird and would really like to get back to the
Seamonkey mail client.


Paul, I note you are posting using Linux (normally I would be as well, but it's broke att!)

If, with-in SeaMonkey, you go to Edit->Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings and select "Server Settings" for one of the accounts that are broken and note, at the bottom of that screen, the "Local directory" location.

Then completely close SeaMonkey and go to the noted location and ensure you have permission to use those directories.

If you've just installed SM, you may have set things up so that only Root has permission to use those folders/directories!!



User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.39 Build identifier: 20151028234211
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.38 Build identifier: 20150903203501
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