Robert Drury wrote:
Ubuntu Linux 12.04 has a desktop title bar at the top.  When an
application is maximized, the application title bar integrates with the
desktop title bar. The result is a single title bar at the screen top.
Seamonkey used to do this but recently stopped, so that now when I
maximize a Seamonkey window, there are two title bars at top instead of
one.  In other words the Seamonkey title bar sits right below the
desktop title bar when maximized.  I need it to integrate, like before.
  Any ideas?  Thanks!

What you are talking about is the *Ubuntu* Unity desktop where the window title is integrated with top panel on maximize. Firstly I do not recall SeaMonkey ever did that. Firefox does because of the Canonical's "Ubuntu Modifications" extension. It looks like Canonical or some ambitious extension developer needs to write an extension. Not sure if the Firefox one could be adapted.

Take care,

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