Silently wrote:
Hello *,

I've just migrated from Firefox + Thunderbird to Seamonkey 2.39 (Italian
version) on Win 10 x64 Home and I can't create new "saved searches" in
Seamonkey Mail.

I'm having similar problems, and I posted a question about that last week, that hasn't gotten any response.

In my case I did a rebuild of my Seamonkey profile, and have had to redo most of my search rules.

Before my rebuild, my saved searches worked fine, although I hadn't touched them in some time, and they were built under an early version of Seamonkey. Thus, if it's version-specific, it may be something that appeared before 2.39, but I don't know what version.

We can wait a bit, but if there isn't further feedback, it looks like something for one of us to file, as a bug report.


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