I'm running Win-7, SeaMonkey 2.40.

I am having trouble with a site written especially to handle voting for a film festival. The site works perfectly in Chrome and I.E. It doesn't work with SeaMonkey (and it also didn't work in the identical way with Firefox 43.0.1). The browser strips out film titles and other important information on the site pages.

I had trouble upgrading Firefox 43.0.1, since I knew there was a later version (the system froze during the update twice and never completed it). So I un-installed FF and re-installed a fresh version (46.0.1). After that the site in question ran perfectly, exactly the way it does in Chrome and I.E. But it still wouldn't run correctly in SeaMonkey.

The site is https://notsiff.net/siff2016/siff.html . However one has to make a login and password to actually access the site, and the site is made for a small group of users for a specific purpose. But even on the log-in page using other browsers there are links opposite the icons that don't appear using SeaMonkey (and didn't appear using FF 43.0.

I guess my question is this:  My SeaMonkey info says:
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0 SeaMonkey/2.40

And as I indicated Firefox 43.0.1 didn't display the site correctly. I was wondering if there is a version of SeaMonkey that utilizes the Firefox/46.0 engine. Maybe then the page would also work correctly in SeaMonkey.

I'm not sure if this is a reportable bug, or if my SeaMonkey just hasn't updated to the latest browser version? Or what?

Thanks for this site and all the help I've gotten here over the years since Netscape 0.8.

Ken Rudolph

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