On 7/11/2016 at 11:58 AM, WaltS48's prodigious digits fired off:
On 07/10/2016 09:52 PM, Big Jim wrote:
On 7/10/2016 7:42 PM, WaltS48 wrote:
On 07/10/2016 07:00 PM, Big Jim wrote:
As of the last week or so, flash videos from news links on the AOL
home page automatically play even though the "Ask to activate" option
is enabled in SeaMonkey.  What is causing this?  Does anyone else see
Thank you.

It looks like they test to see if you have Flash activated, and if the
user doesn't, then they feed HTML5 video.

When I tested in SeaMonkey with Flash set to "Ask to Activate", I saw
three requests in the video to "Activate Flash", then the video started.

I usually just click the pause button, and read the text.

The problem is that I usually select quite a few articles that I want
to read and then go through them, rather than choose one at at time.
The home page cycles through them rather than stopping at each choice.

That can be a problem. SeaMonkey doesn't have the Mute Tab feature that
Firefox has, and clicking every tab to mute it could get tedious.

I think there is a way to disable the auto-start feature of HTML5 video,
but I don't recall what that is at this time.

I don't really understand your reference to the "home page cycles
through them". I have to click each one to open it that window or a new

Have you tried safe mode? Help > Restart with Add-ons Disabled.

I have a mute button on the Quick Launch toobar. One click and it mutes Windows audio.


Scroll down about 3/4 of the page.

Ed Mullen
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
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