In <>,
Daniel <> wrote:

> I've thought I can send a link in a PT e-mail and it would be
> clickable! Tonight I found it isn't, so I thought it would work if I
> enclosed it in arrowheads , i.e. <> but that didn't work
> either!
> How can I send/format a web address in a PT e-mail in such a fashion 
> that it is directly clickable at the other end??

There is no way you can guarantee that the recipient's software will
convert any plain text to a clickable link, but the angle brackets may
help. It may also help to include the protocol, such as http, e.g.
<>.  In times past, adding "URL:" helped some
software, e.g. <URL:>.  (I hope I've got that
syntax right -- it's been many years since I had to use it.)
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