On 8/9/2016 10:00 PM, Paul Bergsagel wrote:
> Ed Mullen wrote:
>> On 8/9/2016 at 4:05 PM, Gerry Hickman's prodigious digits fired off:
>>> David E. Ross wrote:
>>>> It seems that when I launch SeaMonkey, there is always a delay in
>>>> visiting the first Web page I select.  If I clear that site's cookies
>>>> and delete my cache, revisiting that page is much quicker.
>>> My experience on Windows, is that it's changed over time. At one stage
>>> there was a "preload" of DLLs that were supposed to load once, then sit
>>> on the task bar to make the browser load more quickly (I didn't like
>>> this), but anyway, a few builds later (around year 2004) launching the
>>> SM browser was really quick and I forgot about it.
>>> To test SM load time, I usually set the home page to a local HTML file,
>>> so it doesn't need internet access to launch, thereby cutting out any
>>> home page related network issues.
>>> Now in 2016, I get "slow" load time of around four seconds, but I think
>>> it's related to something in the network stack (e.g. winsock) where it's
>>> much more bloated that it used to be, and in my case there's a VPN
>>> virtual adapter which seems to cause a delay.
>>> There's also the SM user profile and SM cache which can get quite big,
>>> so it's worth trying with a clean profile.
>> I also have a local HTML file as my home page, and it loads instantly.
>> If I click an Internet link on that page it also loads nearly instantly.
>> For instance, my own site <http://edmullen.net> appears with no
>> perceptible/countable time lag.
> My suspicion is that the more complex the page the longer this lag time 
> is. In my experience if a page does not have very complex html and few, 
> if any scripts, the page will load quickly.

However, what I see is that the same Web page -- my own on a Web server
-- loads much slower if it is the first Web page I request right after
launching SeaMonkey.  If I clear my cache and then request it again, it
load very quickly.

David E. Ross

Perhaps it was a smart decision for Hillary Clinton to use her
private E-mail server while Secretary of State.  According to
current Secretary of State John Kerry, we know that the Russians
and Chinese have hacked the State Department's servers.  In the
meantime, a claim by the Romanian hacker known as Guccifer
(Marcel Lehel Lazar) that he hacked into Clinton's E-mail
server proved false.
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