On 8/14/2016 4:50 PM, Mozillian wrote:
> I did Properties on a newsgroup on AIOE.
> I Synchronized, Download Now
> and watched 1400 files supposedly download.
> I did an Avanced search on Messages In:
> With Operation on Local System.
> Parameters:
>    Subject contains keyword
>    Body contains keyword
> Search
> "No Matches Found"
> Three matches were there the last time I did the exact same search.
> What is going on?

Are you sure the message bodies downloaded?  My experience with
Thunderbird is that a message body downloads only when I select that
particular message in the thread pane.  Until then, only the header
fields are downloaded.

David E. Ross

Republicans scream that Hillary Clinton was responsible
for the tragedy in Benghazi.  They conveniently forget
that it was the Republican-controlled Congress that
drastically cut the State Department's budget for
embassy and consulate protection.
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