djc wrote:
On 25/08/2016 4:47 AM, Ken wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
On 8/24/2016 at 12:21 PM, Ken's prodigious digits fired off:
Ed Mullen wrote:
On 8/24/2016 at 9:49 AM, Ken's prodigious digits fired off:
I access a website to program my DVR and should I decide to record a
program I click on a program listed.  That causes a window (pop
up) to
overlay the TV listings with choices such as "More options."  The
problem is the pop up is not completely visible and all the options
cannot be read.  I can scroll the TV listings in the background, but
nothing moves the pop up so that it is completely visible.

I tried changing the VIEW to something less than 100%, and even tried
changing the resolution of my monitor.  Again nothing allows the
pop up
to be completely visible and not cut off on the bottom of my screen.

Next I tried the same URL on MS Edge, and it is visible.

I am using MS Windows 10 and SeaMonkey 2.40  Any tricks to make the
up totally visible?

It works fine here.  Check to see if you have Edit - Preferences -
Appearance - Content - Zoom only text .. checked.  If so, try it

Thanks for the suggestion, but that did not work.  I did go to setting
the fonts to a smaller size, and that did present more of what was not
visible.  Even with a size 10 font, not all is visible however.  There
must be something else different between your settings and mine.

Don't know if it will help but ...



I appreciate seeing your settings.  I was able to set everything the
same way except the fantasy setting, as that font choice was not
available to me.  I guess I can live with the situation the way it is, I
just thought there might be some simple setting I had that was
preventing the pop up from being totally visible.  Thanks again to all
who commented.

One last thing you could try is to set the minimum font size to None and
see what happens. I had to do this a long time ago (and never reset it
... got better glasses to see the screen).


It showed more of the pop up, but not completely when choosing more options.
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