Edmund Wong wrote:
Stephan Thiele wrote:
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I don't really understand why
there still is no Seamonkey update after the 2.40 release in March,
almost half a year ago.

No.  Not a stupid question at all.  In fact, it's a very good question.

I am quite confused that there a nightlies with version numbers
increasing to 2.48 while there is not even a beta.

I wish there was an easy way of explaining this.  But, as Paul
stated, we're just a bunch of volunteers trying hard to maintain
our sanity with changes coming from Gecko's codebase and the
infra that needs a lot more love.  So all in all, a pretty much
mountain climb.

Excuses/reasons aside... I am really sorry for the lack of releases.

Seamonkey is my default browser and mail and news program, so I don't

Ditto here.

like to take any risk of losing my data and mails by using a buggy
nightly. On the other hand, I see a lot of security updates of Firefox
and Thunderbird which have been published in the meantime and therefore
I'm concerned about unfixed vulnerabilities in Seamonkey.

Any hope?

Sure.  I'm (my opinion here.. doesn't reflect the opinion of the
group) not sure if it will be 2.45  or even 2.46.   But we'll see.

"We shall see.... We shall see.."


I am using 2.45 now. It works better than 2.40. There have been some bug fixes. I got the Tinderbox build.

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