Trying to use SeaMonkey on Windows 10.

Many thanks to several who helped my situation to add the Profile Manager to the desktop on a new PC .

It sort of worked when I clock on the SeaMonkey logo on the desktop, the profile manager shows up.

But this now happens:
I have 3 email accounts: A B and C. When I set up acct A and send an email to B or C accounts, the B or C accounts only show what A as the "owner" has and do not display B or C "ownership" or the email A sent. When I change B to be B and delete the stuff that was really on A, I don't get what I sent to B.And the same thing happens with C's "ownership" Hope this makes sense and any solutions will be gratefully received. Is this a windows 10 problem not accepting SeaMonkey v2.40 as an acceptable app.
or is this a bug created with Windows 10.


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