On 10/9/2016 at 3:35 PM, Jim's prodigious digits fired off:
Is there anyway to determine the date and time when a web page was last

On SM, I went to View --> Page Info
Under the "General" tab, it has a "modified" field, but this just gives
the current date and time, for when the web page was opened.  I thought
this may be because the page was retrieved from the "cache", so I went
to a profile where the web page hadn't yet been loaded, but when I
loaded the page, it also just gave me the date and time it was loaded.

Is it even possible to determine the modification date and time for a
web page, on the receiving end?

BTW, looked at the "page source" and didn't see this information in the

In addition to all the other replies, I will note that I include on all of my pages the date of the last revision/update by including this PHP code in the standard footer included on every page via the footer.txt file:

$current_file_name = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$current_path = ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
$full_name = $current_path.$current_file_name;
$last_modified = filemtime($full_name);
print("This page last changed: ");
print(date("F j, Y - h:i A", $last_modified));
print(" USA Eastern Time");

So, at least on my site(s), you will know the last time the page was updated.

In many cases it doesn't matter, in some it's very relevant.

Ed Mullen
Deja Woo: Hmm, I think I've seen this Chinese guy before.
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