On Monday, November 7, 2016 at 12:17:41 PM UTC-5, kirk...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Just compiled Seamonkey-2.46. Seems to work well, but in the past 
> (Seamonkey-2.40 and b4) we could place global user defaults in 
> /usr/lib64/seamonkey/defaults/profile/prefs.js, etc. Then when a user first 
> executes Seamonkey their defaults would be a copy of the ones in 
> /usr/lib64/seamonkey/defaults/profile/. But that's not happening with 2.46, 
> it just seems to ignore anything except bookmarks in 
> /usr/lib64/seamonkey/defaults/profile/. Has location for global defaults 
> changed?
> Thanks,
> Kirk

Thanks FRG!
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