David E. Ross wrote:
On 11/15/2016 1:17 PM, sean wrote:
Robert Drury wrote:
Just wanted to say I've been using Seamonkey, or its predecessors, for
25 years and intend to keep using it.  Thanks, everyone.

Agreed! While I was sorta like Michael Dell's Mom early on in wondering
why anybody would even want a computer at home. Once we went on line in
96 I've been using Netscape/Mozilla/Seamonkey derived products ever
since.I tolerated the FirePhoenix/Bird/Fox & Thunderbird split for a few
years... but eventually returned to Seamonkey...

just elated how nice 2.49a1 is so far...


At the beginning of 1996, I started using Netscape.  Then I went to
Mozilla Suite.  I stayed with Mozilla Suite -- stuck in an aging version
-- when Firefox came along because I did not like the Firefox user
interfacep; I still do not like it.  With the initial release of
SeaMonkey, I finally updated to it.

I see much happening to Firefox that I do not like.  That includes the
blocking of NPAPI plugins, extensions that are not Webextensions, and
many themes.  Overall, Mozilla is following a path to make Firefox a
clone of Chrome.  If I wanted Chome, I would download and install it.

Pretty much the same story here.
I may have experimented with Netscape 3 but only really got going when version 4 came out. This was initially under whatever Windows version was around at the time, then - when Netscape 4.x was ported to Linux - on both platforms. When I use Firefox at all, it is the ESR version.
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