On 12/22/2016 5:13 AM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:
Edmund Wong wrote:
Yes...  BELIEVE IT.. It's out! After so many months..  it's out!!!

Reading back on 2.40's post, I wrote it was a 'difficult release'...
man.. little DID I know.

Erm.. oh wait.  the formal post...

After so long a delay, for which we apologize, the SeaMonkey
Project is pleased to announce the release of SeaMonkey 2.40!

So please check out [1] or [2].

Please note that the website information, while updated for
2.40, still requires a bit more work.

We cannot repeat this enough.  Thank you everyone for your
patience with us.  This very long delay due to infrastructure
and resource issues has been very trying on a lot of people.


Now that's a Christmas Present I can get behind!  I'd made myself a
promise that if there wasn't a new version of Seamonkey by the New Year,
I'd be converting over to Firefox and Thunderbird.  I already did on my
laptop since I travel around with that thing and can't be 100% sure of
every wireless access point I use, but I was hanging in there on my
desktop with Seamonkey.  Thanks, and Happy Holidays to everyone
involved.  Can't wait till it shows up in the Ubuntuzilla PPA!

Ditto. I just upgraded my 64-bit Debian stable/Jessie's with the 64-bit version. So far, so good. I will wait for the internal updates in 64-bit Windows 7 HPE SP1. :)
Happy Holidays/Season's Greetings/Merry Christmas/Etc. :)
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