On 12/22/2016 1:34 PM, Ant wrote:
> Hello.
> I text/SMS through e-mails, but I noticed SeaMonkey doesn't show the 
> text message attachments. I can see them if I display their attachments 
> inlined though. Also, replying them with quotes fail as well.
> Here is an example from an e-mail's source code from an [deleted phone 
> #]@mms.att.net:
> ...
> ------=_Part_11207289_1714350348.1482441578497
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Content-Disposition: Attachment; Filename=text_0.txt; Charset=US-ASCII
> Content-ID: 0
> Content-Location: text_0.txt
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
> QmFieSBub3QgZ29pbmcgdG8gc2xlZXAuLi4gZ3JhbmRtYSBnZXR0aW5nIGJhY2sgbGF0ZS4uLiBu
> byBtb21teSBhcm91bmQuLi5hIGJpcnRoZGF5IHBhcnR5IGF0IDYgdGhhdCByZXF1aXJlcyBhIHRy
> aXAgdG8gdGFyZ2V0IGZvciBhIHByZXNlbnQuLi4gdG8gbmFtZSBhIGZldw==
> ------=_Part_11207289_1714350348.1482441578497--
> Is it because of its text attachment? Is there a way to show them as 
> attachments and quote when replying to them?
> Thank you in advance. :)

It's because it's Base 64.

Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64

When you display inline SeaMonkey decodes the Base 64 for you. When it
is an attachment you need to provide your own decoder:

Baby not going to sleep... grandma getting back late... no mommy
around...a birthday party at 6 that requires a trip to target for a
present... to name a fewuN{~<6y=

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