
I have problem with PDF pages in Seamonkey 2.46: They are not more displayed, I end with a grey page. In the preference ==> navigator ==> application the only available option is "download file". I added an external application (okular) to display the PDF files but I prefer to have the display in the browser; With SM 2.40 the PDF page were displayed in the browser. ==> it was using the Kparts plugin

In SM 2.46 the Kparts plugin is still available for other file types but not for PDF. If i use Firefox then the PDF files are displayed in the browser (Firefox 50)

In the about:plugins for Seamonkey if find the Kpart plugin
"KParts Plugin
    File : libkpartsplugin.so
    Path : /home/philippe/.mozilla/plugins/libkpartsplugin.so
    Version :
    State : Enabled
    File viewer using KDE's KParts technology (2011-08-23)"

+/- 80 lines are displayed but nothing for PDF

In the about:plugins for Firefox I have
"KParts Plugin
    File: libkpartsplugin.so,libkpartsplugin.so
Path: /home/philippe/.mozilla/plugins/libkpartsplugin.so,/usr/lib64/browser-plugins/libkpartsplugin.so
    State: Enabled
    File viewer using KDE's KParts technology (2011-08-23)"

+/- 300 lines are displayed and there is one for PDF
"application/pdf   PDF document    pdf"

the second path for Firefox "/usr/lib64/browser-plugins" contains the same plugins that exist in the first path:
hpprol2:/usr/lib64/browser-plugins # ls -l  libkpartsplugin.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 114848 11 déc 01:19 libkpartsplugin.so

philippe@hpprol2:~/.mozilla/plugins> ls -l libkpartsplugin.so
-rwxr-xr-x 1 philippe users 114848 11 déc 01:19 libkpartsplugin.so

I tried in Seamonkey to set the plugin "ibkpartsplugin.so" as application for PDF but nothing is displayed In Firefox if I set the plugin "ibkpartsplugin.so" as application for PDF, the PDF is displayed

Any Idea from where this is coming?

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