Tue, 27 Dec 2016 20:57:31 -0500, /Jonathan N. Little/:
Ant wrote:

Is it me or is SM v2.46 having problems wordwrapping issues when
replying with quotes and plaintext format? They don't seem to
wordwrap correctly like in v2.40 and earlier.
https://i.imgbox.com/V8mQVnH2.gif for a screen shot/capture when I
was replying to "2.46 data manager not working" newsgroup thread. It
also happens with e-mails. HTML formats seem OK though. :(

Thank you in advance. :)

I've noticed it as well. Seems every reply requires CTRL+R rewrap now...

Note, this is only a visual issue while composing. You don't need to rewrap – the lines you visually see wrapping will be really sent as single lines.

One could try adding the following style rule in "userContent.css":

  span[_moz_quote=true] {
    display: block;
    width: 98vw;


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