On 2/28/2017 11:20 AM, Larry S. wrote:
> Larry S. wrote:
>> Turned on the computer this morning. At first all seemed normal, but
>> when the notice of new e-mails came up it had changed to a tiny type
>> face. Found that the tool bars on the top of the screen, and all e-mail
>> screens, had changed. However, the content of opened messages had not
>> changed, nor had anything else in SM.
>> What the heck happened? Any ideas about the cause or a solution? All
>> ideas gratefully accepted.
>> Larry S.
> Hmm . . .  Searched the 'Net which led to the add-on "Theme Font and 
> Size Changer". Seems to have solved the problem.

I strongly suspect that the latest version of the Theme Fpon & Size
Changer extension (version 51.0) will expire on 30 March 2017.  On that
date, the tool bar icon for the extension will disappear; and certain
settings made through the extension will be negated.

This has been an ongoing problem with this one extension.  No one seems
to understand why the developer is doing this, but it is very annoying.

If you want a non-expiring version, see my

David E. Ross

Paraphrasing Mark Twain, who was quoting someone else:
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and
alternative truths.
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