TCW wrote:
> On 3/8/2017 3:47 PM, njoracle wrote:
>> TCW wrote:
>>> On 3/8/2017 1:12 PM, Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>>>> For the last several months, retrieving email has slowed down for me in SM.
>>>> What
>>>> I mean is that when I click on “Get All New Messages”, it takes 15 seconds
>>>> before it starts to download any messages from the server. If there are no 
>>>> new
>>>> messages, it still takes 15 seconds to report back that there are no new
>>>> messages. I use POP3 and download from the server, SM 2.46 
>>>> and
>>>> Win
>>>> 10 with the latest update. ISP is Verizon FiOS.
>>>> Can anyone tell me if the 15 second lag is normal? As I recall, it use to 
>>>> start
>>>> almost immediately or within 5 seconds. I have checked this on several 
>>>> desktops
>>>> and my laptop and the delay is always 15 seconds.
>>> No way. It should be within 1-2 seconds at most.
>> Are you getting 1-2 seconds?
>> When I try to retrieve messages from a newsgroup, I get the same delay. 
>> Sending
>> an email or sending a message is almost immediate.
> So, a couple questions:
> 1. Are you leaving mail on server?
> 2. How much mail are we talking about?
About 9000. I'm in the process of deleting everything on the server but the last
two months worth. I have a spare computer where all emails are stored so I don't
really need to leave on the server.
> 3. What Internet speed do you have?
36 MPS down and 27 MPS up
> 4. Network drivers up to date?
Don't know. I will check
> 5. Have you rebooted your Internet modem or modem+router lately?
No, I will do that after I finish with today's work

> 6. What are your POP3 server settings? Meaning, what server name+port, what
> connection security (STARTTLS or SSL/TLS), Authentication Method?  port 995
Connection SSL/TLS Authentication Normal Password
> I know a lot of Internet providers are starting to clamp down on insecure 
> email
> checking.
> Another thing you could try is installing Adrian Kalla's build of SM 2.48 from
> from
> the Latest Comm Release 32 or 64-bit build folders. It is stable and built 
> from
> Mozilla source. I myself am using 2.49 beta but I used the 2.48 that Adrian
> built and it was rock stable.
Thanks for all of the tips. I was running Adrian's 2.48 but went back to Mozilla
2.46. I may go back if the other stuff I'm doing doesn't work.

Many, many thanks for the questions you ask, I really appreciate the time it
took you to put that all together.
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