On 03/16/2017 08:51 PM, David H. Durgee wrote:
Richmond wrote:
I think I may have found the answer to my question.  Anyone else using
Yahoo mail via POP3 see this article:


It appears that Yahoo is dropping POP3 support effective at the end of
the month.  They suggest using IMAP instead.

That's not what the article says. It is talking about pop3 import, i.e.
getting mail from other email accounts into Yahoo.

I think if Yahoo stopped pop3 support it would be big news, because many
are trying to get away from it by pulling mail into another provider
like gmail.

OK, I will concede that I might have misunderstood what Yahoo was doing with POP3 services. All I can note is that as I reported in the initial post in this thread that I was unable to use Yahoo's POP3 service after 9 March due to errors. As I had made no changes on my end I can only assume that Yahoo changed something on the POP3 server that was making it impossible for SeaMonkey to use it as I had previously. When I saw the notice about 31 March I assumed that they were connected and there would likely be no fix from Yahoo forthcoming prior to that date.

As I did not remove the POP3 account I can confirm that even now I am getting the same error:

"The POP3 mail server (pop.mail.yahoo.com) does not support UIDL or XTND XLST, which are required to implement the ``Leave on Server'', ``Maximum Message Size'' or ``Fetch Headers Only'' options. To download your mail, turn off these options in the Server Settings for your mail server in the Account Settings window."

Am I the only one encountering these errors? If so, I am still encountering them and the only way around them was to add an IMAP account which I am using instead of the POP3 one.


Dear Dave,
I have given up using /POP3/ *gmail* a long time ago, /IMAP/ works fine for me, no prob...

Gérard Vinkesteijn-Rudersdorff

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