Jonathan N. Little wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
Larry S. wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
I'm Baaack !  Big SeaMonkey fan !
Sorry to bother you fellows AGAIN, but -
I finally upgraded from XP (which was running fine) to a more advanced
(used) computer with Win 7 on it.
Have loaded the latest SeaMonkey (2.46) and I want the TABS I had on my
older compuker.  BUT - I cannot get my older compuker to boot win XP
!   The problems NEVER END !
I went to the SeaMonkey site and found Tree-Tabs by Piro (which I THINK
I had working on the old SM on the old compuker).
Will THAT work on this SM version ?   I LOVE the Tab function on SM !
Sorry to bother all of you with such a trivial question.
BTW - I HATE Win 7 !  I understood XP...but this Win 7 is a Bugger !

Just wait until you are forced onto Windows 10. W 7 is like an old shoe
by comparison.
Larry S.

Ah !  YES !  Even the guys at the used compuker store warned me about
Windows 10 !  Many people have said the same thing !

You might think that Bill Gates would make things "Better" - not worse !

I believe that the "geeks" who put Windows together (programmers) live
in their own special little world and believe that everyone else SHOULD
think like they think !  I used to program in the old BASIC and became a
"geek" that way.  Didn't understand the term "User Friendly" at all.
Easy to do that.

Bill Gates, possibly, has lost it !  Gone Bonkers.  Maybe will become
like George Soros in the end......I didn't say that !

If you has just copied your profile from your Windows XP drive to new
Windows 7 system then all your preferences would have been preserved. No
futzing required. My SeaMonkey works the same on Windows 10 as it did on
7 and XP. It even is the same on my Ubuntu laptop.'s the problem.....I DID ! is on my old Computer which I cannot now access because the bugger won't use the video card ! When I changed the video cable into my new computer, then tried to go back to my old computer, the old computer boots up windows XP and just as the XP starts up (windows loading bar finishes) the Monitor goes dead (no input sign comes up). I THINK Win XP changed something on the Windows Video output and so won't address the Monitor once it starts up. MERDE !
If I can't see then I can't get to the Control Panel.  Vicious circle !

I cannot get it to boot up in Safe Mode ! F8 gives me bootup sequence and not the Mode screen. Don't know HOW to get the darned thing to accept the Mode screen that allows you to choose "Safe Mode"...
Google searches don't help.  Boogered all to hell and back !
My Karma.  Entropy Rules.  Murphy's Law. etc.

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