Once again - I am back.....using Win 7 Pro and SM 2.46.

I CAN find the appdata folder on my C drive with search (searched for abook.mab) !

But it WILL NOT show up on Windows Explorer !
See next line below of results from search for 'abook.mab' on my C drive.


I want to put my previous (from SM 1.1.1) 'abook.mab' into the new SM profile, but I cannot get to it ! I did a SM Backup in 12/2016 of my old SM on an XP computer.

For some reason that I cannot fathom, I cannot get to the appdata folder.

I have changed all permissions (security tab) to ALLOW editing. Is this a "share" function (have not messed with 'share'). Went to Users and to Pc folder properties and changed from Read Only to normal.

Can someone tell me (without complex jargon) how to restore my address book from the old SM 1.1.1 (not sure exact version) ? Replies here get VERY complex with a lot of Jargon as if I know all about SeaMonkey's inner workings.

I hope I have given enough information here to help anyone help me !

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