There are now constant changes in the Gecko engine e.g. for Gecko 51 the disabled hosts list was integrated into the permission manager:

The storage backend also changes constantly now and if you go back without restoring you see indexDB errors in the log. Did I mention the image permisions change for TB and SM in 52+ yet? :) And every release breaks more and more add-ons because of removals in Gecko and JS deprecation and so on.

I needed to junk a profile between 2.49 and 2.51 because I had constant crashes and I didn't find the cause.

With the imminent removal of aurora this won't get any better. The only entity believing that the code became more stable in recent releases is Mozilla corp. For SeaMonkey and the other comm-central apps it just means that the junk is pushed faster down imho :)

You and I can probably deal with any fallout but I have seen enough bug reports from people without a backup so I put this in as a general warning. If you want to go back backup before upgrading.


Steve Wendt wrote:
On 4/17/2017 9:45 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:

A question about the "data loss warning" there: I think the SeaMonkey version number there has been getting updated, when it should not be? The 2.40 release notes refer to version 2.0, the 2.46 release notes to version 2.40, and the 2.48 release notes to version 2.46. I don't think there were such drastic changes that should have caused it to no longer say version 2.0 there?

A regular 2.48 will follow (hopefully) soon. Afterwards we will switch
to 2.49 ESR as fast as we can to be on par with Firefox ESR 52.

Thanks for the ongoing efforts!

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