> On 4/22/2017 6:23 PM, DICK HOFFMAN wrote:
>> On 4/22/2017 6:16 PM, DICK HOFFMAN wrote:
>>> On 4/22/2017 5:42 PM, Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>>>> DICK HOFFMAN wrote:
>>>>> On 4/22/2017 2:36 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
>>>>>> On 4/22/2017 11:22 AM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
>>>>>>> DICK HOFFMAN wrote:
>>>>>>>> There is probably a simple answer to this but I can't find it.
>>>>>>>> Several
>>>>>>>> months ago after I "upgraded" to Windows 10 I noticed that SeaMonkey
>>>>>>>> (probably started in rel 2.45 but continuing in 2.46) was no longer
>>>>>>>> prompting me for the password for my primary email account. When I
>>>>>>>> started up SM mail it had apparently saved my password and was
>>>>>>>> providing
>>>>>>>> it automatically. Today, it has reverted back to my previous
>>>>>>>> experience
>>>>>>>> where it asks for a password every time before contacting my ISP.
>>>>>>>> Any
>>>>>>>> ideas on how I got it to remember my password and then how I got
>>>>>>>> it to
>>>>>>>> forget it would be appreciated.
>>>>>>>> Dick
>>>>>>> Edit > Preferences... > Security & Passwords
>>>>>>> checkbox: Remember passwords
>>>>>>> button: Manage Stored Passwords
>>>>>> For some still unknown reason, such binary settings are sometimes
>>>>>> lost.
>>>>>> When I encounter this problem with Thunderbird, however, it usually
>>>>>> results from a failure in the E-mail server's authentication process.
>>>>>> The failure to authenticate then sometimes causes Thunderbird to
>>>>>> delete
>>>>>> the credentials (ID and password).  This situation might also exist in
>>>>>> SeaMonkey's MailNews component, which substantially replicates the
>>>>>> same
>>>>>> Thunderbird component.
>>>>> I looked at this option in Password Manager. As far as I can tell,
>>>>> I've always
>>>>> had "Remember passwords" checked. Checking and unchecking this
>>>>> doesn't have any
>>>>> affect on my mail passwords although it seems to cause the saving or
>>>>> not saving
>>>>> of passwords needed by sites I go to with the browser portion of SM.
>>>>> I have two
>>>>> other mail accounts that have always required that I enter a
>>>>> password. Any other
>>>>> ideas?
>>>>> Dick
>>>> Under Edit, Mail & Newsgroup Settings, Outgoing Server (SMTP),
>>>> Authentication
>>>> Method should be set to Normal Password. The next time you login, it
>>>> still may
>>>> ask for your password but it will then be saved in the SMTP section.
>>> I don't see any such option under Edit, Mail & Newsgroup Settings on my
>>> SM 2.46 system. The only reference to SMTP that I can find is in Account
>>> Settings for the mail server and that only asks for an outgoing server
>>> name. I'm using POP, BTW.
>>> Dick
>> I spoke too soon. Under "Account Settings" the last item is Outgoing
>> Server and has a line for Authentication. I'll change from "Any secure
>> method" to "Normal Password" and see what happens.
>> Dick
> To change from "Any secure method" to "Normal password" I had to change
> "Connection Security" to either SSL/TLS or STARTTLS. Neither had any impact on
> whether or not my password was retained across logins.
> Dick
Bummer. On the extremely remote possibility that your ISP changed the SMTP
parameters, you might want to check their website to make sure you are using
their latest. I remember several years ago when typing in my username as
arnie.goetchius was sufficient. One day, the ISP changed the requirement to such
that I had to change my username to arnie.goetch...@xxx.zzz
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