Just install an Adblocker.

Adblock Plus 2.9 seems to be broken right now. Why it is still distributed is beyond me. 2.8.2 works. uBlock Origin should also work fine.


DoctorBill wrote:
In my last question here, I was "Off Topic" and was chastised for that.

I am back with a question which I believe is on topic.  If not - Tell me so
and I will go away.

I have noticed a vast increase in Advertisements on ALL web sites !
The adverts are plastered all over what you want to see or read and popups
appear like fungal growths while you search for what you originally wanted.

I have a Pop-Ups check on my PrefBar - doesn't seem to do anything.
I am assuming that the web designers have come up with new methods to bypass
one's anti-advert programming......

What can I do to stop at least some of the blatant rubbish adverts that pester
my web sites ?  e-bay and Amazon are terrible. Some sites worse than others.


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