Paul B. Gallagher wrote on 5/29/2017 3:39 AM:
rickman wrote:

I don't know if I can continue to use SeaMonkey.  I've been
responding to posts in various groups for an hour or two and I've
only been able to type for half that time.  I've tried restarting
SeaMonkey but it still has these long delays.  Task manager says
there is nothing going on in the system. None of the other apps are
affected.  When I am waiting for the hourglass I can switch to Chrome
and play Sudoku with no problems.

I may have to buy a newsreader and give up on the open source stuff.

The usual troubleshooting procedure is to launch SM in Safe Mode, disabling
all add-ons and extensions. If the problem goes away, repeat the procedure,
enabling one extension. If the problem is still gone, repeat, adding one
more extension at a time until the problem recurs. When it does, you have
the guilty party (the most recently added extension). At that point, post
back and someone here may well have a fix or workaround for that particular

Starting SeaMonkey in safe mode I still find delays and the other things that make SeaMonkey hard to use. Just now as I type this post it both would freeze for some seconds as I type, but since it stops processing input as I am typing it sometimes will switch back to the main window where the typing is interpreted as commands.


Rick C
support-seamonkey mailing list

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