Daniel wrote on 6/2/2017 1:07 AM:
On 2/06/2017 11:45 AM, rickman wrote:
EE wrote on 5/27/2017 1:27 PM:
rickman wrote:


When you figure out that one let me know!  I nearly can't read the post
subjects or tell when a group has new posts.  I'm getting serious

I got the font to be readable in the whole interface by adding code to my
userChrome.css file in the profile in the subdirectory "chrome".  The
line in that file has to be the namespace line.

/* Do not remove the @namespace line -- it's required for correct
functioning */
 /* set default namespace to XUL */

/* Fonts */

   font-size: 15px !important;
   font-family: Trebuchet MS !important;

More info about userChrome.css here:

I looked for this file and can't even find the chrome directory.  It is
not under the Mozilla folder.  I found userChrome.css under a
Thunderbird directory, but they say not to use that one.

Rickman, userChrome.css if a text file that tells SeaMonkey specific stuff
that you want to do. Natively, SM does not have a userChrome.css file, but
you should find a userChrome-example.css file. Just rename it to
userChrome.css, add the css that you want a start SM, and you should be on
your way!

Hope this helps.

Yes, I was able to find it, made the suggested edits and that seems to work. Thanks.

But this seems to be a rather blunt instrument. It would appear to be adjusting the thickness of the font strokes and only indirectly the size. Using the suggested 15px makes the text both larger but also bolder so that it is hard to distinguish from bold text. Changing the value to 14px made the type the same size it had originally been, but still very bold. Smaller values don't reduce the size further, but make the text less bold until 12px which appears to be the size used without this file.

Anyone know if there is a way to make the text slightly larger without making it bolder?


Rick C
support-seamonkey mailing list

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