I did (with help) manage to solve the main hang-up in the first list - I van 
now send emails when I post.  

I have a mystery, though.  While I can post to the forum via this path, I 
cannot post through the obvious path, and have no idea how I came upon the 
working path.  When I post using the standard path (with a standard newsreader 
GUI, I get a strange error message:  

"Send Message - This account only supports email recipients. Continuing will 
ignore newsgroups."  The claimed newsgroup is "mozilla.support.seamonkey" under 
a "Newsgroups" tag.

The URL for the path that works is 

Now standard news readers do not recognize a "mozilla.support.seamonkey" 
newsgroup, so something proprietary is being done.  It's a Google Group in 
drag.  I found it in Google Groups, but there seem to be many decoys there.  

Here is this thread in GG:


Anyway, what's going on and how does one fix it?


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